Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Is it Monday?

So I'm usually in bed by 9 pm I lay there reading and or watching tv for about 30 min and I'm asleep by 9:30 or 10. Well not last night....I couldn't sleep. I was up until about midnight. Went to bed back up by 3am (had to pee) fell back asleep and up again by 4:45 now mind you by this time I could have went ahead and sucked it up and started my day. Let the dogs out....let them in....feed them....let them out again and then proceed to get myself ready. But no not me...I thought I'd just try to fall back asleep for a FIVE MORE MINUTES. Have you done this before?...you know when the next thing you know it's 7:45 and your late for work! UGH! How is it five more min. in the morning equals three hours but when your at work and you look at the clock it's 1:30 look again in which seems to have been thirty min but oh no....it's only 1:31! LOL

Anyway I jumped out of bed tried to make myself beautiful without jumping in the shower. Thank goodness you can't see me because the beautiful part didn't really turn out.

I let the dogs out. I feed them. I try to get ready while they are eating. I go to let them out again and they ESCAPE! REALLY was all I could think....of course a few bad words came to mind as well. So here I am with my hair done, makeup on, pj pants on and chasing down the block after my mutts! Yelling at them that I don't have time for this shit today! (Cuz you know I think they understand me) Finally they run back home and run in the house to hide from me because they know they are in trouble!

Then I get in the car of course I knew I needed gas last night but why stop when I have time?Nope now my gas light is flashing and now to make myself even later I have to stop in get gas!

I ended up being over two hours late for work! Lucky they love me. I've been here for far to many years so the little slip up this morning can be overlooked of course I'll probably be here until 8pm. :(  Sad but true because I am the only one who works in my department. I have a love/hate relationship with this situation.

I've decided I am going to jump on this weight loss band wagon. I'm trying to not set myself up for failure though. I leave for VACATION (much much needed) this Saturday so I'm giving myself that week. I would like to add though that the friend I am visiting started working out about a year ago and unlike me she stuck with it. She is like a freaking workout robot now! SERIOUS! I'm sorta nervous because she wants to take me to some of her workout classes etc. If you don't ever hear from me again you will know that she killed me with the workouts. (just kidding)

Anyway as I lay there last night not being able to sleep I told myself I am going to post my weight on here. So on April 8th or 9th I will post a picture of my scale....NERVOUS! But hey that is why I decided to start this blog so I guess I better suck it up.

Here are my wonderful dogs that sent my out on a hunt this morning. Maybe they were trying to help me get in a morning workout?

Enjoy your Monday----I mean Tuesday ;)

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